Kick-off meeting Cope Project

On the 12th of April, the project partners, Youth Included (Czech Republic) represented by Ekaterina Kokkalou (Project Coordinator), Vienna Association of Education Volunteers – VAEV (Austria) represented by Anastasija Vlatkovic and Denitsa Ivanova, IDEC S.A. represented by Niki Zafeiropoulou from Greece, ITC – Innovation Training Center represented by Begoña Arenas Romero and Ariadna Canoves from Spain, Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (Germany) represented by Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi, and Symplexis represented by Maria Menegaki from Greece met online via Zoom to discuss the progress of their work on COPE Project.
The first topic was Work Package 2: Mapping of the specific psychosocial challenges of youth during the post Covid-19 period and identification of state-of-the-art on psychosocial support programs for youth.
All partners prepared a national report after conducting desk research and a survey on the mental health issues of disadvantaged youth and the respective needs of youth workers (mainly social, intercultural, digital skills) to respond to these challenges.
We also had the chance to plan the next steps for the preparation of the WP3: Design of Training Package for peer-to-peer support under the guidance of youth workers which will start in May 2023.
Partners are meeting online again on the 30th of May at 10:00 CET!
Until then, more news about the progress of our work will be shared! Stay tuned!