Kick-off meeting Cope Project

We are excited to announce that the COPE Project – Concrete Peer to peer solutions and support among #youth for mentally coping with the anxiety and stress associated with the #COVID19 pandemic has been launched!
The COPE Project aims to counter the negative effects of the conflict in Ukraine and the COVID-19 crisis on #youth #mentalhealth by strengthening key protective factors through digital peer support and through #art. Young participants will be provided with #educational tools and opportunities that will allow them to feel included, and thus be able to improve their mental health through hybrid, self-directed skills training with their peers under the guidance of youth specialists.
The Kick-off-Meeting took place on the 6th of February 2023 in beautiful #prague, with the participation of all project partners: Vienna Association of Education Volunteers – VAEV (Austria), IDEC S.A. (Greece), ITC – Innovation Training Center (Spain), Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (Germany), and Symplexis (Greece). The meeting was hosted by the project coordinator Youth Included. (Czech Republic).
During the Kick-off-Meeting in Prague, partners had the opportunity to introduce themselves as well as discuss the project implementation, its timeline, their tasks, and activities. The project consortium meets on a regular basis online to monitor the development of tasks in order to achieve high-quality results.