We are happy to present you the final results of our research!
The reports developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “COPE” focus on the psychosocial challenges among youth caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent war conflicts in Ukraine as shown through both desk and field research. The national reports include relevant research data and effective initiatives in five European countries: Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Spain and Greece. At the same time, they cover important gaps, mostly related to the impact of the war in Ukraine on young people’s mental health, and provide recommendations based on the experiences of both young people and youth workers.
The transnational report compiles the national reports, providing a comprehensive analysis of the most common psychosocial challenges faced by youth and identifying effective psychosocial support programs in the partner countries. To achieve this, it summarizes the main findings, key conclusions and recommendations, based on the desk research (literature review and identification of best practices) and field research (focus groups with young people and youth professionals) conducted in the above-mentioned countries.
According to the conclusions of the report, “the impacts of the pandemic and recent war conflicts might be a challenge for an indefinite time. Hence, it is necessary to focus now on empowering and restabilizing young people in their emotional experience, by emphasizing and addressing coping strategies, mental health interventions, and awareness using the available resources and creating new ones, according to young people’s real preferences and needs. In such an effort, the transformative and beneficial effects of art, with its potential to reduce stress, cultivate emotions and improve well-being, should be seriously taken into consideration. After all, investing in youth is vital for the long-term mental health and well-being of the population as a whole”.
Short descriptions:
National reports: A summary of the findings of the desk and field research carried out in the partner countries, focusing on the main psychosocial challenges of youth, the respective needs of youth workers and effective psychosocial initiatives. Available in English and the national language of the country where the research was conducted.
Transnational report: A compilation of the national reports with comparative findings and recommendations. Available in English.