Creative exploration at the KulturCentrale!

Last Thursday, participants came together at the KulturCentrale for an inspiring workshop to explore the transformative power of music.
Led by music therapist Izabella and moderator Doreen, the workshop delved into the theoretical foundations of music therapy before diving into hands-on creative activities.
From free drawing to rhythm exercises and communal harmonizing, everyone discovered new ways to express themselves and tap into their creativity using their bodies.
The highlight of the day? Coming together to make music as one, with each participant adding their unique voice and instrument to the mix.
The workshop was held within the international project ‘COPE’. The project, co-funded by Erasmus+, aims to address the negative effects of the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 crisis on youth’s mental health by strengthening key protective factors via digitized peer support through art.
Mark your calendars! A training session for youth workers will take place on 2 May at the KulturCentrale from 18:00 – 21:00. This time we will focus on the practical application of various music therapy approaches, musical improvisation and the COPE online platform. You are cordially invited to our free COPE training!
Simply register here:
The team of the Jugend- & Kulturprojekt sends a warm thank you to all the participants who joined us on this journey of self-expression and creativity!